Welcome to my first blog post, a momentous occasion marred by my infamous procrastination tendencies. You see, the plan was to unveil a post a mere week after the blog’s launch, yet here we are, months later, facing the consequences of my procrastination.

As I reflect on turning a new year (heh), I’m struck by how sparingly I’ve documented significant moments in my life. The last time I penned a post worthy of remembrance was back in the blurry era of 2017, somewhere on Medium. However, amidst the chaos of procrastination, I find myself in a place where the urge to write again is palpable. So, here we are, delving into what the 26 meant to me, tracing the journey thus far, and perhaps, just perhaps, finding a spark of inspiration akin to “maguire to aspire” within these lines.

On Building

Entrepreneurship — a word that carries weight and nuance, yet often feels too lofty for my essence. It's a term draped in layers I don't quite fancy. Instead, I've coined my pursuit as "Building", a simpler yet more encompassing descriptor of my endeavors.

In hindsight, my love affair has always been with products — the artistry, the functionality, and yes, even the art of criticism. I relish dissecting products, understanding their intricacies, and envisioning ways to make them better. This passion birthed Shagital, a collaborative effort with a dear friend aimed at solving pertinent problems within and beyond Africa's borders.

Officially launched in 2021, Shagital became the canvas for our aspirations. From the early days of FeedMonkey (my first love 🙂‍↕️) to ventures like OwoRemit, OwoFi, GoalGenius, MySub, and many more, each product was a labor of love and innovation. Admittedly, not all our creations saw the light of day, but those that did stand as testaments to our dedication and resilience.

The last year meant a lot to me. It was the start of a new journey. For years, my life has been immersed in the art of building software products, mastering their intricacies, and fueling my thirst for innovation. Yet, amidst this familiarity, boredom lurked around every corner.

Venturing into uncharted waters, I discovered a new dimension—a realm where building transcends mere abstraction and efficiency. It’s about embracing the unpredictable, navigating through challenges, and unlearning old habits. Gone are the days of obsessing over minutiae; now, it’s about quick thinking, adaptability, and embracing the adventure that comes with the territory.

The path ahead is both exhilarating and demanding, but I’m taking it one step at a time, relishing every moment of the journey. As I look back even at my teen years from when I picked up engineering, I realize that it’s not just about reaching the destination but savoring the twists and turns that lead us there. Here’s to embracing the unknown and enjoying the journey ahead.

While I could delve into each product's intricacies, I'll keep this post concise. Feel free to explore the products; perhaps one of them will resonate with you or spark a newfound curiosity.

On the Belief System & Growth

A self-proclaimed agnostic navigating life's intricate web while harboring an unruly streak. It's a curious juxtaposition, considering my upbringing in a Christian household, complete with seminary school escapades and even a stint in evangelism. Looking back, it's a bit like teaching calculus while secretly rooting for algebra.

Here's the kicker — I detest the cookie-cutter approach to beliefs. Who needs a manual when you can talk yourself into (or out of) situations? Sure, experience is a great teacher, but I prefer my beliefs like a tailored suit—fitting snugly because they resonate with me, not because they're the latest fashion.

So, I embarked on a mission—a nodular journey of introspection and, also, a truckload of reading. These literary adventures have been eye-opening, nudging my thoughts in unexpected yet enlightening directions.

I can’t give a rushed take here yet, but there’s a ton of clarity when compared to last year. In a new post someday 🤞

My key takeaway: embrace the discomfort. Take those hard decisions, much like Albert Einstein challenging the cosmos or Marie Curie defying societal norms. Comfort zones are cozy, sure, but progress? That's forged in the fires of discomfort.

To cap it off, here's a paraphrased gem from a valedictorian, can’t remember who said it; "Everything that’s ever happened in this world is because someone was uncomfortable being comfortable."

On Books

Embarking on a quest for growth often involves delving (last one I swear) into the wisdom captured within the pages of books. Here are some titles that have been particularly insightful on my journey:

1. **Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind** - This book unveils the intricate tapestry of human history, providing invaluable insights into our origins and the complexities that shape our world.

2. **Rework** - A refreshing take on business and productivity, offering practical strategies for success in the modern world.

3. **21 Lessons for the 21st Century** - Delving (I lied, kill me ) into the pressing issues of our time, this book challenges perspectives and encourages critical thinking.

4. **Emotional Intelligence** - A guide to understanding and harnessing the power of emotions, crucial in personal and professional growth.

5. **Solve for Happiness** - Exploring the science of happiness and strategies for cultivating a fulfilling life.

6. **Invention: A Life** (by James Dyson) - Insights into the creative process and the journey of innovation.

7. **Steal Like an Artist, Show Your Work, Keep Going** - A trilogy of creative wisdom, inspiring artists and creators to embrace their craft and persevere.

8. **The Bezos Letters** - A compilation of Jeff Bezos' shareholder letters, offering insights into leadership, innovation, and business strategy.

Additionally, my interest in history extends to war narratives, with favorites including:

- **IGBOS - 50 Years After Biafra**

- **Biafra: The Horrors of War (Stories from a Child Soldier)**

- **There Was a Country**

- **What Britain Did to Nigeria**

- **The Nigerian Revolution and the Biafran War**

As this article draws to a close, I'm reminded of the endless avenues for exploration and learning that lie ahead. This marks the official launch of my blog, where I'll delve (hehe) into topics ranging from life's intricacies to "building," design, economics, and beyond.

In parting, I leave you with the timeless wisdom of Winston Churchill:

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.


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